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Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton

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The 4C Methodology 

What does it mean for a Black woman to show up as her whole self in an educational system designed to keep her small? For me, the answer is tied up in my 4C hair. Hair is critical to understand as I introduce the 4C methodology—an embodied methodology that seeks to honor those of us with coarse hair. I specifically name coarse hair not to exclude the many Black women with looser hair types but to highlight and uplift the most discriminated against texture, knowing that by doing so I am also bringing Black women across all hair types with me. Most Black women go through a processed process with our hair. We negotiate between learnings from our family, media, school, peers, and beyond, all of which teach us to believe one thing or another about our hair. The identity formation rooted in how we learn about our hair—how to do it, how it is perceived, and styles that are safe begs the question: What does it mean to process our hair? Our minds? Ourselves? --- I have a distinct memory from primary school of being called Medusa by another student. It was due to the long box braid hairstyle my mother fashioned me with, each strand resembling a rope-like braided figure from my scalp to my back. They framed my face and I loved the way I looked in them, but it was clear to me that others perceived them as dubious. Medusa is essentially a monster whose hair strands are actual snakes. Medusa was cursed by a jealous god and all of her assets, including her beauty, were weaponized against her as the men who looked upon her were turned into stone (Bowers, 1990), essentially marking her as one-dimensional while minimizing everything about her to this curse and its impact on those around her. As a child, I didn’t fully understand the connotation of Medusa and its connection to my hair but I knew it was bad.

New Growth: Introduction
I am my hair: A Black woman educator's autoethnography of oppression and liberation through school, bantu knots, box braids, locs and a press
Me At Age 9 With Braids and Barrettes (1994)

​New Publication

For Black women, hair is an integral piece of our identity, yet it has often been marked as antithetical to what is considered "good," especially in its natural state. Natural hair is frequently viewed as an act of resistance, as it disidentifies with the status quo (White, 2005). Black hair has also served as a less visible intersectional identifier, framing Black women as the racial Other and positioning them at a structural disadvantage. In this work, I situate my knowledge and theorizing within my body—more specifically, within my hair. This Blackgirl autoethnography (Boylorn, 2016) presents hair as a metaphor to conceptualize my experiences as a secondary teacher navigating the consistently antiblack space of education. I have developed what I call the Bantu Knot Theory, using my hair identity to weave together and explore the intricacies and nuances of my experiences in education. This theory constructs the interlocking identities of Black women and highlights the immutable existence of Black hair as a crucial marker of Black women’s intersectionality. When discussing Black identity, Black hair must be included.
The concept of weightlessness embodies the desire to remove the heavy force of structural oppression from our backs. I envision weightlessness as the ability for Black people to dream—exist, float—differently without the weighted existence caused by hegemonic institutions... 
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Featured Publication

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Open for speaking engagements, workshops, and consulting on topics such as Black educational research, critical pedagogy, curriculum development, Black hair idenity, and equity-focused practices. Whether you're interested in a keynote presentation, a panel discussion, or a customized workshop, I bring theory and practice together in pursuit of a more liberatory education. Please reach out to discuss opportunities to collaborate.
Dr. Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton is a Clinical Associate in Stanford's Teacher Education Program (STEP) and co-founder of Making Us Matter. She is also the co-founding editor of The Black Educology Mixtape (Journal), a collective dedicated to advancing transformative education and promoting liberation and visibility for Black communities. Her scholarship focuses on the construction of interlocking identities by investigating the intersection of race, identity, and education. She has been published in Harvard Educational Review, Equity & Excellence in Education, and Race Ethnicity and Education. Her current work centers on Black methodologies, critical pedagogy, Black identity, and racial affinity spaces. With over 16 years of experience in education-her writing, teaching, and research meet at the intersections.
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The Black Educology Mixtape "Journal" is a collective of Black folx working to amplify and empower without the white gaze. The journal goes beyond the scope of academics to recognize the movers and shakers of emancipatory movements. We imagine this journal as a vehicle toward revolution.
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We empower Black students by ensuring that they are visible in the classroom, imparting a means for articulating the full range of their experiences and an improved sense of self. We empower Black educators by equipping them with research-driven professional training, in order to improve retention and hone a broad range of teaching skills within Oakland's Black community.

Organizing Beyond Theory


New Publication

We See You: A Co-Constructed Autoethnography of Black Women Educators Subverting Carcerality in Community with Black Students
This study examines the school experiences of Black students and the perceived impact that we (the researchers) as Black women educators have had on these experiences. We conducted a series of focus groups with thirty-four former and current students, all of whom identify as Black. Our questions centered around various aspects of the students' high school experiences, specifically as they related to their reflections on their relationships with Black teachers compared to the school community at large. We found that overall, students reported having positive experiences with us as Black women and often felt humanized in our classes. These findings suggest that Black women educators likeus, who use their pedagogy (influenced by their positionality) to subvert carceral and antiblack school policy and culture, employ what we have conceptualized as the Core Tenets of Spiritual Nourishment: (1) asense of belonging, (2) visibility, (3) room to make mistakes, (4) representation, (5) support navigating the pressures of systemic racism and Black fatigue, (6) safe spaces to unpack traumas and (7) love perceived.

Black Women Be Knowing

This podcast will explore the Black fatigue and oppressive constraints faced by Black women working in K-12 predominantly white schools. This project is crucial as it amplifies the reciprocal healing possible when Black women have the opportunity and space to share, connect, and interrogate systemic inequalities to advocate for change.
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Note to Black folks: We are in a moment that is enveloping. The waters have been rising. We struggle to keep our heads above water. It is hard to float.

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We are used to surviving the rising waters, never truly knowing what it feels like to tread water with ease. As Black folks, we are tired of trying to save others and being punished when we fight to save ourselves.

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We have to leam new ways of being, new ways of dreaming, and new ways of overcoming. We have to unlearn the weight of our existence before we can tread these waters and emerge onto the land of our ancestors as our full and authentic selves.

Making Us Matter Workbook

"Bad Taste in Movies": HACKing films as a site of praxis for Black embodiment by Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton, Andre Carter, Noah Morton

Our work seeks to understand how Black characterizations in film serve as sites of praxis, whereby audiences learn how to read and understand Blackness.
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We are transformers: on being Black, women, and pedagogues by Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton

This article provides a critical analysis of the liberatory and pedagogical prowess of Black women educators by showing them as Transformers with the ability to create, transmit, and initiate substantial, profound, and fundamental change.
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Femmenoir pedagogies: rescripting the reproduction of Black women's marginalization in education 


Based on the results of this study, we introduce the term Femmenoir Pedagogies which hones in on three elements that serve to counter the antiblack conditions of schooling...

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Black Sitcoms in the'90s Mini Unit
A nostalgic unit meant to pull students into real-world conversations about gun control, consent, discrimination, racism and more.
13th by Ava DuVernay: Distrupting the Loophole Unit
This unit encourages students to unpack, understand, and challenge the American incarceration system.
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The Rapsody Syllabus: Rescripting the Erasure of Black Women and Black Women Educators Through Rapsody's Album Eve
This syllabus explores the connections oetween Rapsody's album Eve and the experiences of Black women, with an emphasis on education.



Curriculum Vitae

University of San Francisco Ed.D, International & Multicultural Education. 4.0 [Racial Justice Concentration] Dissertation: From Creamy Crack To Locs: The Oppression And Liberation Of Black Women Educators Through Black Hair Identity | May 2024 Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Colette N. Cann (Chair), Dr. Farima Pour-Khorshid, Dr. Sonja M. Poole San Francisco, CA 2024 Saint Mary’s College of CA M.A. in Teaching. 3.9 Thesis: A Raisin in the Sun: Culturally Responsive Literacy Through Technology Cleared California Teaching Credential(s), Single Subject English and Sociology | May 2008 Moraga, CA 2012 Saint Mary’s College of CA B.A. in Sociology | Major GPA 3.9. Overall 3.4 | Division 1 Basketball Full-Ride Double Minor: Ethnic Studies & English Moraga, CA 2007 Research Interests: Black Educational Studies, Black Methodologies, Black Feminist Thought, Endarkened Feminist Epistemology, Intersectionality, Teacher Education, Critical Pedagogy, Black Critical Race Theory, Instructional Design, Learning Sciences Academic Appointments Clinical Associate; Stanford University; Graduate School of Education 2024-Present Adjunct Lecturer; Saint Mary’s College of CA; Kalmanovitz School of Education 2014-2020

Education should inspire students to
cultivate the desire for an equitable world
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