Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton
What does it mean for a Black woman to show up as her whole self in an educational system designed to keep her small? For me, the answer is tied up in my 4C hair. Hair is critical to understand as I introduce the 4C methodology—an embodied methodology that seeks to honor those of us with coarse hair. I specifically name coarse hair not to exclude the many Black women with looser hair types but to highlight and uplift the most discriminated against texture, knowing that by doing so I am also bringing Black women across all hair types with me. Most Black women go through a processed process with our hair. We negotiate between learnings from our family, media, school, peers, and beyond, all of which teach us to believe one thing or another about our hair. The identity formation rooted in how we learn about our hair—how to do it, how it is perceived, and styles that are safe begs the question: What does it mean to process our hair? Our minds? Ourselves? --- I have a distinct memory from primary school of being called Medusa by another student. It was due to the long box braid hairstyle my mother fashioned me with, each strand resembling a rope-like braided figure from my scalp to my back. They framed my face and I loved the way I looked in them, but it was clear to me that others perceived them as dubious. Medusa is essentially a monster whose hair strands are actual snakes. Medusa was cursed by a jealous god and all of her assets, including her beauty, were weaponized against her as the men who looked upon her were turned into stone (Bowers, 1990), essentially marking her as one-dimensional while minimizing everything about her to this curse and its impact on those around her. As a child, I didn’t fully understand the connotation of Medusa and its connection to my hair but I knew it was bad.

​New Publication

Organizing Beyond Theory

New Publication

Black Women Be Knowing

Making Us Matter Workbook

This article provides a critical analysis of the liberatory and pedagogical prowess of Black women educators by showing them as Transformers with the ability to create, transmit, and initiate substantial, profound, and fundamental change.

Curriculum Vitae
University of San Francisco Ed.D, International & Multicultural Education. 4.0 [Racial Justice Concentration] Dissertation: From Creamy Crack To Locs: The Oppression And Liberation Of Black Women Educators Through Black Hair Identity | May 2024 Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Colette N. Cann (Chair), Dr. Farima Pour-Khorshid, Dr. Sonja M. Poole San Francisco, CA 2024 Saint Mary’s College of CA M.A. in Teaching. 3.9 Thesis: A Raisin in the Sun: Culturally Responsive Literacy Through Technology Cleared California Teaching Credential(s), Single Subject English and Sociology | May 2008 Moraga, CA 2012 Saint Mary’s College of CA B.A. in Sociology | Major GPA 3.9. Overall 3.4 | Division 1 Basketball Full-Ride Double Minor: Ethnic Studies & English Moraga, CA 2007 Research Interests: Black Educational Studies, Black Methodologies, Black Feminist Thought, Endarkened Feminist Epistemology, Intersectionality, Teacher Education, Critical Pedagogy, Black Critical Race Theory, Instructional Design, Learning Sciences Academic Appointments Clinical Associate; Stanford University; Graduate School of Education 2024-Present Adjunct Lecturer; Saint Mary’s College of CA; Kalmanovitz School of Education 2014-2020 https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6189-6418

cultivate the desire for an equitable world